Pharr Yarns Family Trail
Adjacent to the South Fork River. The trail goes under the I-85 bridge and through woods along the river. The trail is marked at the 0.5, 1.0, and 1.5 mile points, ending near the cul-de-sac of a residential neighborhood. While no parking is available at this end of the trail, there is pedestrian access for neighborhood residents. The land surrounding this trail is on the Pharr Yarns Preserve. This is a historic trail twas originally used by the Native Americans and then utilized by settlers for textile mills. There were two mills in the woods along the trail.
115 Willow Dr.
2 Miles One Way
Best Use
Natural Surface
Hiking, Mountain Biking

McAdenville is a place where history lives and the present thrives with dedication to character and inspired living. Given a heritage built through the willpower of hard working people, leadership of corporate stewards and a caring community; the town is a step back in time and into the future where traditions are coveted and progress is welcomed.