NC Cooperative Extension
NC State Extension extends research-based knowledge to all North Carolinians, helping them transform science into everyday solutions that improve their lives and grow our state. They are the trusted, go-to resource for connecting research and education to the communities, economies and families of our state, creating prosperity for all North Carolinians.
Serving Gaston County Citizens
Extension has offices in every county of North Carolina and the Eastern Band of Cherokee. The staff and volunteers work with local government to support agriculture, horticulture, conservation and environmental protection, nutrition and health, as well as a variety of consumer, youth, and economic concerns.
Core Focus Areas
Agriculture and Food
Extension keeps North Carolina’s $96 billion agriculture industry growing and sustainable by connecting producers with research-based information and technology they need.
Health and Nutrition
Extension helps people make healthier decisions, reduce their risk of chronic disease and live better lives through a wealth of programs from nutrition to local foods to food safety.
4-H Youth Development
Extension’s 4-H programs address the diverse issues of today’s youth, helping hundreds of thousands of youth grow into healthier, more involved generations of future leaders.