Gaston County Parks and Rec
The mission of Gaston County Parks and Recreation is to acquire, develop, maintain, and manage parks; efficiently manage public resources, and provide opportunities for citizens to participate in wholesome leisure activities.
The County Parks and Recreation Department plans, develops, and maintains parks, and provides an array of organized activities to help meet the leisure needs of the citizens of the County.
The Department is maintaining manages multiple parks in the county. The most recent additions to the park system include the South Fork River Park, the second phase of George Poston Park, and Pearl Henderson Park.
The Department also provides technical assistance to municipalities and other organized groups throughout the County in the design and construction of recreation facilities and the development of recreational programs. The County's parks and recreational programs are open to all citizens of the County regardless of age, sex, race, or economic status. Recreation is an important contributor to building sound physical and mental health, to molding good citizenship and character, and to reducing crime and delinquency. The park system makes our community a more attractive and desirable place for homeowners, businesses, and industry.
For more information about the Parks and Recreation Department please contact their office.
Open: Monday through Friday, 8 am to 5 pm